ICA Course Accreditation Program for Course Developers (CAP)
The International CPTED Association (ICA) has established a CPTED Course Accreditation Program (CAP), administered in a similar fashion to the long existing ICA CPTED practitioner certification program (ICCP). The CAP is developed and administered by the ICA, the first and only global professional organization representing CPTED practitioners and experts around the world. As such, CAP is built on the same core competencies as the ICCP. CAP program is copyrighted by the ICA.
Contact us: ica.cap@cpted.net |
ICA CPTED Course Accreditation Program for Course Developers (CAP)This program is intended for CPTED instructors or course developers who wish to apply to the ICA for accreditation as an “approved ICA CPTED course”. To become recognized as an ICA accredited CPTED course, the course curriculum (Class A) or individual units (Class B) will need to satisfy a number of core competencies that will be evaluated by the CAP Review Board. CHECK DIRECTORY OF CAP ACCREDITED COURSES | Background HistoryIn October, 2015, the Board of the ICA voted to investigate a CPTED Course Accreditation Program in which CPTED instructors or course developers may apply to the ICA for accreditation as an “approved ICA CPTED course”. The CAP is distinct from the well-established ICA CPTED Certification Program in which individual applicants apply to become a certified ICA CPTED Practitioner (ICCP). Read the White Paper that led to the creation and approval of the CAP. |
Over the period of a year, an ICA Research Committee reviewed CPTED courses and practices in different parts of the world and assessed topics such as core competencies, depth of coverage, demonstration of competence, and methods of evaluation and administration. Committee members have extensive experience as CPTED instructors, professional educators, academics, and curricula developers. This resulted in the creation of the CAP program and the ICA Board approved the proposal for the program at the 2017 Conference in Calgary. Members of that initial research committee now comprise the ICA CAP Review Committee that will administer the program. The CAP Review Committee is responsible for approving all submissions to the program and is comprised of experienced CPTED instructors within the ICA.
The program was launched in 2019 and is coordinated by Gregory Saville.
The CAP program is described in detail within the attached documents in the links below. Please review all these documents. As well, if you require the help of an assigned mentor to help you guide through the process, you may request this of the CAP Coordinator.
The full program description can be find in the CAP Program Overview document.
The core competencies needed for ICA course accreditation are the same competencies already approved within in the ICCP program, identified as units of instruction (Competency Units). This means that CAP-accredited teaching material should include the content material expected of a CPTED practitioner outlined for a particular Competency Unit. The full details on the competency requirements and what is entailed, can be found in the Competency Units of Instruction document.
The program provides for two classes of course accreditation:
Accreditation of both Class A and Class B level curricula needs to be renewed every three (3) years.
An ICA CPTED accredited course at the Class A level must contain all 8 units of core competencies (see below). As well, the course should contain a field project that puts these 8 units of competency into practice. The field project does not need to result in actual implementation of recommendations at the completion of the course. However, the field project must include a written CPTED Project Report with the name(s) of students who completed the project and wrote the report.
Mandatory Competency Units for accreditation of Class A course:
The students completing a Class A course and choosing to apply for ICCP professional certification will be exempt from the Record Book requirement, however, they will need to submit an additional CPTED field project that they complete following, and independent from, their Class A CPTED course. That additional CPTED project/project report will demonstrate integration of the 8 core competencies (for ICCP-Practitioner); for ICCP-Professional applicants the project/report(s) MUST also include the core Competency Units that were not part of the Class A course – these include:
This project(s) must be conducted within 2 years following the Class A course.
Course developers and Lead Instructors for Class A course need to be ICA members in good standing and hold active ICCP certification. Co-instructors need to be at least ICA members in good standing.
An ICA CPTED accredited course at the Class B level will contain one, or up to seven, units of core competencies. When applying for Class B accreditation, course developers or instructors may submit their curricula, lesson plans, and other documentation about any of the Core Competency Units that they wish approved.
For example, if an instructor wants to teach a CPTED course covering site reviews, safety audits, crime analysis, and other forms of CPTED site analysis, that instructor may apply for approval of Core Competency Unit #03 – “Undertake research in the nominated environment”.
Course developers and Lead Instructors of competencies approved at Class B level need to be ICA members in good standing and hold active ICCP certification. Co-instructors need to be at least ICA members in good standing.
Application for the Course Accreditation Program requires the following:
Note that all submitted material is considered confidential by ICA and will not be shared beyond the members of the Review Committee.
An overview of the Course Accreditation Process - a full process with detailed phases can be found below.
The CAP is divided into three phases:
Program submitter needs to first fully complete and sign the Application and Agreement Form (PDF, Word), and then send it to CAP email or uploaded to the secure SUBMISSION LINK. The Agreement must clearly show the course accreditation class the program submitter is applying for. You can use electronic signature if completing an electronic version of Application/Agreement.
Total fee must accompany application. You must be an ICA member in good standing to apply for course accreditation. The fee structure is as follows:
Class A: CA$1000 complete course accreditation fee (payable in Canadian Dollars)
Class B: CA$300 accreditation fee per one competency (payable in Canadian Dollars)
Course accreditation is only open to ICA members in good standing and is payable using our electronic payment system below. Check payments in CA$ or US$ are also possible if electronic payment is not possible - contact us for more information.
All the materials for accreditation need to be submitted within 2 years of initial application. If the applicant has not provided all the relevant documentation within this time, they will need to reapply and start the process from the beginning.
Upon successful completion of the requirements course submitters will receive a certificate stating their class and date of accreditation. Course submitters and instructors will need to remain ICA members in good standing throughout the life of their involvement with the CPTED course. Note that successfully accredited courses will need to be renewed every three (3) years to retain the CAP accreditation status.
PHASE 2 - The CAP MatrixThe CAP Matrix can be downloaded by successful applicants upon submission of the Application and Agreement form, and payment of the Accreditation fee. Note that the Matrix can only be downloaded once your status has been changed in our system - we will notify you once this occurs. You will be requested to address the following requirements for each competency unit that you're applying to have accredited (i.e. all 8 units in case of Class A and up to 7 in case of Class B): (1) Teaching material, (2) Instructional approach, (3) Teaching time allocated, and (4) Evaluation method. This will include a brief description of each of the 4 requirements to explain how the relevant competency (and teaching of that competency) is being addressed in your course, and attachment of supporting documentation where relevant. Please refer to the CAP Competency Units of Instruction document for more information on each Competency Unit to ensure your course incorporates the required information. Further instructions will be provided on how to complete the Matrix if needed. All supporting documentation should be submitted through relevant upload links provided in the Checklist Matrix. The final completed Matrix should be submitted using THIS LINK. PHASE 3 - Review of Submitted Materials & Notification of OutcomeOnce the required documentation has been received, the CAP Review Committee will assess the material and the extent to which the instructional curricula, lesson plans and supporting teaching methods satisfy the relevant core Competency Units. The applicant will be notified of the status of the review in the form of three categories: Approved; Not Approved; and Incomplete. All submitters receiving a Not Approved or Incomplete are welcome to make necessary changes and then resubmit for consideration within 3 months of being informed of the status of the review. Once the process is completed and accreditation awarded, successful submitters will receive an ICA course accreditation logo and sign an accompanying logo release form. Course Instructors teaching the accredited course will be required to display the logo on their teaching materials so that students will be aware they are taking an ICA Accredited Course with a streamlined pathway to ICCP certification (see below). The instructors will also have to explain to their students how they can go about obtaining their ICCP certification and what competencies they are exempt from (in case of Class B course). Resources and InformationBelow you will find collated resources and information regarding the program. Please review these documents and contact us with any outstanding questions.
Accelerated Pathway Towards Personal ICCP Certification (CAP Stream)Students, who successfully complete either Class A or Class B accredited CPTED course and then apply for their own personal ICCP certification, will receive credit for those relevant competencies. Note that application needs to be submitted within 2 years following the completion of their ICCP course.
In both cases, Instructors need to advise students that when they successfully complete the course, they will need to provide the following to apply for ICCP Certification Pathway via "CAP stream":
At the end of the process, all ICCP candidates will need to undergo a written take-home or oral Zoom or in-person exam as described on the ICCP page. The ICCP applicant must be a member in good standing with the ICA.
To create safer environments and improve the quality of life through the use of CPTED principles and strategies