The International CPTED Association

2010 ICA International Conference - 21st Century CPTED – Collaboration, Partnerships, Empowerment

  • 18 Oct 2010
  • 20 Oct 2010
  • Coast Plaza Conference Centre, Calgary, Alberta, Canada


  • ICA Member Registration submitted prior to August 15, 2010
  • Registration submitted prior to September 15, 2010
  • Groups of 4 or more that are eligible for Group discount as approved by the Office
  • ICA Member Registration submitted after August 15, 2010
  • Registration submitted after Sept 15, 2010

Registration is closed
The 2010 International Conference of the ICA will be October 18-20, 2010 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

We are excited and honored to have renowned author and community leader Jim Diers presenting a session and speaking as our keynote address at the conference dinner on "Crime Prevention Through Community Empowerment"

This 2 day conference will feature a look at the current trends in CPTED,  2nd Generation CPTED, SmartGrowth and other exciting and important research areas that affect you, the community leader, LE/Security Professional,  Planner, government official or NGO.

This important conference is proudly supported by the Community Life Improvement Council and the Calgary Downtown Association.

We hope that you will mark your calendar now and take advantage of the early registration price available by registering on-line. Register early as space is limited for this conference.

**Program subject to change**

Registration Costs:

Early Registrant - ICA Member  319.00     Prior to Sept 15 2010
Registrant - ICA Member     379.00     After Sept 15, 2010
Early Registrant - Non ICA Member     419.00     Prior to Sept 15, 2010
Registrant - non-member     479.00     After Sept 15, 2010

With many internationally recognized and distinguished speakers spaces are filling quickly. Please register as soon as possible so that we can ensure hotel and conference space and to take advantage of early registration discounts. This conference is generating significant interest and there is a possibility of selling out!

Some of the session topics are:

  • The Role of Human Solidarity in Environmental Security: A View From The CPTED Methodology - Chile
  • Effective Partnerships Between Agencies and Communities - USA
  • Crime Risk Assessment: Aligning CPTED and situational crime prevention with the new ISO standards for Risk Assessment and Risk Management - Australia
  • CPTED around Entertainment Districts - USA
  • Internal evaluation of the Queensland CPTED Guidelines - Australia
  • Why fix a window, if you can prevent a problem?  Why loiterers may cost you work - Canada
  • Not Quite Amish: Collaboration, Cameras and CPTED in Lancaster, Pennsylvania - USA
  • Case Study - Shelter & A park study with focus on drug trafficking and homosexual cruising - Canada
  • Public Health and CPTED - USA
  • Public space and how it can be barrier - Germany
  • Debunking the CPTED-as-everything myth - USA/Canada
  • Red Deer City GDAP - The importance of CPTED and its relation to Land Use & Bylaws - Canada
  • Behavioural Based Design - Canada
  • Seeing the Light: Implementing CPTED and Safe Growth – the Obstacles - the Solutions - USA
  • CPTED at the Mall - USA
  • Combating Urban terrorism and crime with public art in public spaces - USA
  • Saskatoon's Neighbourhood Safety Program: Formalizing CPTED and Safe Growth in a municipal setting - Canada

And this are just a sampling of the sessions we have lined up!

Mark your calendar and take advantage of early registration discounts by registering today!

Register now for early registration

For hotel registration at our discounted rate please contact the Coast Plaza Hotel & Conference Centre as soon as possible. Rooms will be filling quickly due to another conference running at the same time so don't miss your chance for the discount or ability to be on-site. Call the Coast Plaza at +1 (403) 248-8888 or Toll Free at 1-800-663-1144. Let them know that you are with the International CPTED Association Conference. For more venue information visit

If you require further information or have questions call the ICA office at +1 403.688.7085 or email us at
ICA Mission Statement

To create safer environments and improve the quality of life through the use of CPTED principles and strategies