The International CPTED Association

ICA WEBINAR: CPTED in the Times of COVID-19 - Reactions & Recovery, Part 1 (Asia, Australasia/South Pacific, Europe, UK)

  • 12 Jun 2020
  • 03:00 - 04:30
  • Online (Live stream)


  • 4 registrations for the price of 2 (for ICA members)
  • 4 registrations for the price of 2 (for non-ICA members)

The recording of the webinar can be found on our

ICA webinars page.


Disclaimer: “The views expressed in this webinar belong to our guest speakers and do not necessarily reflect the position of the ICA.”

CPTED in the Times of COVID-19 - Reactions & Recovery, Part 1

(ICA Regions: Asia, Australasia/South Pacific, Europe, UK)

JUNE 12, 2020

03:00 MDT (Calgary) 

04:00 CDT (Mexico City)

05:00 EDT (New York)

10:00 BST (London)

11:00 CEDT (Amsterdam)

14:30 IST (New Delhi)

19:00 AEDT (Sydney)

21:00 NZDT (Auckland)

We are proud to announce our series of two June webinars on the topic of “CPTED in the times of COVID-19”. Our third and fourth webinars will capture the responses to the pandemic and some coping strategies that have been put in place to address the social and safety concerns associated with these unprecedented times.

The ICA – International CPTED Association brings regional diversity to the discourse on this important topic. ICA Directors from 7 ICA regions will come together as guest speakers to showcase how the issue that has affected every part of the world has been approached in their respective countries and regions. Different geo-political systems and socio-economic profiles of these countries and regions while facing the same common threat will make for a vibrant discussion. The speakers will also identify the role of CPTED in addressing safety concerns during and after the pandemic as communities transition into the recovery phase.  

The webinar will be presented as a 2-part series. Part 1 will feature speakers from the Asian, Australasian, European and UK regions. A week later, Part 2, will feature speakers from the 3 ICA regions in the western hemisphere: Canada, Latin America and the United States.

To register for both sessions and take advantage of the joint discount, please use this link:

Topics will include:

  • How the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted life across different ICA regions
  • Crime trends and safety challenges during the COVID-19 lockdowns
  • Likely scenarios and foreseeable challenges in the post-COVID-19 world
  • Lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic
  • The role of CPTED in dealing with health and safety concerns during the pandemic
  • The role of CPTED in the recovery and post-recovery phases
  • Suggested guidelines and recommendations to assist in recovery and crime control

Our guest speakers will also be answering your questions. If you have any topic-related questions for our guest speakers, please enter them in the relevant section during registration. Alternatively, you can also email questions to us or pose them in the comment box during the live webinar session.

Please share this with anyone who you think might benefit from learning more on this topic.

We look forward to connecting with you!

Who should attend: CPTED professionals, safety and crime prevention specialists, public officials, safety consultants, police officers, academics, students, researchers, architects, planners, criminologists, sociologists, social engineers, decision-makers, and others.

Webinar rates are displayed in Canadian Dollars and paid using our online payment system.

Guest speakers: 


The Netherlands - European ICA Region

Paul (1952) studied Social Geography and Urban and Regional Planning programmes at the University of Amsterdam. He worked at the Ministry of Justice and Interior (National Crime Prevention Institute) and in 1984 founded a private consultancy and research bureau under the name DSP-groep. Paul initiated the Dutch and European ICA Chapter decades ago and is working on several EU funded projects on CPTED.


India - Asian ICA Region

Dr. Manjari is the Founder-President of the Association for Building Security India (ABSI), a society to further the reach and knowledge of CPTED and other aspects of ‘security by design’. As a professional architect and academic, she advocates for these concepts through her work and publications within the Indian cultural context. She is also the author and chairperson of the SEQURE standards for security design.


New Zealand – Australasian/South Pacific ICA Region

Laurie served as a police officer in the NZ Police for 35 years. Much of his work had a strong community orientation. He also worked at the Wellington City Council with a focus on public place violence, alcohol related harm and public safety. He is currently a Trustee and a board member of the Safe Community Foundation of New Zealand and has been involved with CPTED for a number of years.

and moderator


United Kingdom – UK Region

Dr. Tim Pascoe has been a Community Safety Researcher for over 25 years carrying out qualitative and quantitative research and evaluation. He has particular interest in Designing and Managing Out Crime. His work has resulted in a publication record that has added to the understanding of community safety problems and solutions. 

ICA Mission Statement

To create safer environments and improve the quality of life through the use of CPTED principles and strategies