The International CPTED Association


  • 22 Sep 2009
  • 08:30
  • 24 Sep 2009
  • 16:30
  • Calgary, Alberta (specific details to follow)
  • 25


Register today - Space is limited!
Registration is closed
This Advanced CPTED workshop has been designed for practitioners who are already comfortable with the application of CPTED strategies and are looking for further professional development in the field, and
an opportunity to have their skills formally recognised.

Those who have worked with CPTED concepts and principles know the benefit they can bring to managing crime and behaviour related problems. The most basic and fundamental CPTED strategies can be useful in a wide range of settings, but frequently practitioners are limited in their ability to explore broader application of the concepts due to the limitations of their own environment.

This program extends the boundaries and includes the most requested topics from participant feedback sheets from Level 1 CPTED Workshops, including:

- Recent research and current trends in CPTED
- Better understanding the roles of other professions in a multi-disciplinary approach to CPTED Consultation and building true ownership
- Litigation case studies involving CPTED
- Legislation, regulation, policy, standards and guidelines - understanding compliance, liability, and getting what you ask for
- Developing defensible approaches to CPTED
reviews and strategy selection
- Developing and using crime risk assessment
- Understanding 2nd Generation CPTED
- Plans-based case studies

The program features a number of highly practical exercises designed to deliver maximum benefit to participants. You will also work through two interactive case studies which will cause you to consider the issues from two completely different perspectives.

Due to the interactive nature of this workshop, the number of available places is strictly limited. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to build on your existing CPTED
skills and network with like-minded  professionals.


**The ICA is acting as fiscal/registration agent for the Community Life Improvement Council only for this program**

ICA Mission Statement

To create safer environments and improve the quality of life through the use of CPTED principles and strategies