The International CPTED Association

2015 ICA International Conference

  • 19 Oct 2015
  • 20 Oct 2015
  • Coast Plaza Conference Centre, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
  • 79


  • One dinner seat for Oct 19. Dinner is from 6:00-9:00pm with cocktails at 5:30 and dinner served at 6:30.
  • If you have a discount code or are a Group of 4 or more you may be eligible for Group discount as approved by the ICA Office. Contact for this discount.
  • ICA Speakers (not including Board Members)
  • Speakers, ICA Board and Honorary Members
  • ICA Member Registration
  • Registration for ICA 2015 Intl. Conference

Registration is closed
Mark your calendars for the
2015 ICA International Conference October 19-20!

CPTED 2015
Inclusive places. Safe places. Favourite places

The Conference will be held at the Coast Plaza Hotel and Conference Centre in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

This 2 day conference will feature a look at the current trends in CPTED,  2nd Generation CPTED, SmartGrowth and other exciting and important research areas that affect you, the community leader, LE/Security Professional,  Planner, government official or NGO.

Speakers include Paul Ekblom from Central Saint Martins - University of the Arts London, Professor Rachel Armitage from Huddersfield University in the UK, Dr Randy Atlas from Florida Atlantic University, Donna Thiessen from Saskatoon, Fleur Knight from New Zealand and many others.  It will be a truly international line-up of speakers. 

Some confirmed sessions include:

  • The Translation of CPTED into the Transport Environment; and Transport for London's Approach to Olympic Security - The I.S.T.A.R.E.D. behavioural assessment system
  • Case Study of CPTED Implementation : Pompano Beach FL USA
  • The Impact of Teaching CPTED and Safegrowth to Children
  • CPTED and Homelessness

We hope that you will mark your calendar now and take advantage of the early registration price available by registering on-line. Register early as space is limited for this conference.

With many internationally recognized and distinguished speakers spaces are filling quickly. Please register as soon as possible so that we can ensure hotel and conference space and to take advantage of early registration discounts.

Hotel Booking Instructions

If you require further information or have questions email the ICA office at
ICA Mission Statement

To create safer environments and improve the quality of life through the use of CPTED principles and strategies